As one of the most intriguing characters in the DC Universe, Aquaman has been iconic figure for over seventy-five years. Now fans can show off their love for the undisputed king of the seven seas with this high-quality journal from Insight Editions’ best-selling stationery line.
With sturdy construction and a sewn binding, this journal lies flat, and the 192 lined, acid-free pages of high-quality, heavy stock paper take both pen and pencil nicely to encourage inspiration. The journal also features a ribbon placeholder, elastic closure, and a 7.5 x 4.5-inch back pocket, ideal for holding photographs and mementos. The Aquaman Hardcover Ruled Journal invites fans to record their deepest thoughts and super secrets! And with stunning artwork and imagery inspired by the 2018 feature Aquaman, this deluxe journal is the perfect accessory to the film and a must-have for all Aquaman fans.