A monolithic collection of images captured by photographer Joey Lawrence over the course of thirteen years with the support of his dedicated Ethiopian crew.
Ethiopia: A Photographic Tribute to East Africa’s Diverse Cultures & Traditions is a visual ode to every region of the country and a celebration of all the diverse peoples found within.
This highly anticipated volume includes both the iconic landmarks and landscapes found exclusively within Ethiopia, and regions that are lesser known to tourists and travellers. From the cosmopolitan hub of Addis Ababa famous for its Ethiopian Jazz, to the hinterlands of the Gambela region, where the Majang people climb trees over 150 feet tall to collect wild honey. From the north’s Orthodox Tewahedo historic sites, to the Islamic influence spread across the east within Afar and Somali communities, to the Animist spiritualities of the southern nations. The book is a first of its kind—underscoring what makes each region of Ethiopia unique, yet uniting all in one cohesive visual style. Every walk of life is dignified in their own unique way.